HRNILS Centrelink Confirmation eServices Authority

If you would like HRNILS to download your Centrelink details for you, please carefully read and complete the following form.



Centrelink Confirmation eServices (CCeS)

Do you authorise:

  • Hunter Region No Interest Loans Scheme Inc. (Hunter Region NILS) to use Centrelink Confirmation eServices to perform a Centrelink enquiry of your customer details in order to enable the business to determine if you qualify for a NILS service.

  • Services Australia to provide the results of that enquiry to Hunter Region NILS and Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand. 

Do you understand:

  • Services Australia will disclose personal information to Hunter Region NILS including your name, payment type, payment status, one off payment, income, assets, deductions, shared care arrangements and Youth Allowance Independent Rate to confirm your eligibility for relevant NILS service.

  • this consent, once given, remains valid while you are a customer of Hunter Region NILS unless you withdraw it by contacting Hunter Region NILS or Services Australia.

  • You can get proof of your circumstances/details from the department and provide it to Hunter Region NILS so that your eligibility for relevant NILS service can be determined.

  • if you withdraw your consent or do not alternatively provide proof of your circumstances/details  you may not be eligible for the NILS service provided by Hunter Region NILS.

If you have any questions, please contact us BEFORE giving us your official authority.

02 49877660


For your authority to be considered official, we need your electronic signature and a photo of your Centrelink Card, and your Drivers License or Medicare Card.

This ensures that we are acting on your behalf, and it helps to keep your information safe, and confidential.

If you would like to proceed with your application, you will need to provide us with a copy of your 'Detailed Income and Asset Statement'. This will include a breakdown of any Centrepay deductions you may have in place.



** The following authority must be completed by the second client applying

For your authority to be considered official, we will also need your electronic signature and a photo of your Centrelink Card, and your Drivers License or Medicare Card.

This also ensures that we are acting on your behalf, and it helps to keep your information safe, and confidential.

If you would like to proceed with your joint application, you will need to provide us with a copy of your 'Detailed Income and Asset Statement'. This will include a breakdown of any Centrepay deductions you may have in place.


Please make sure your CRN number and your Date of Birth are correct before you submit your form